Model car kits could become a hobby too if you want to build them for passing the time or relaxing on your day off. The fun from building this model often comes from the amazement of old car during childhood. People choose this kind of hobby as a way to remember their childhood while using it as hobby as a media to relaxing on day off. Even recently this kind of hobby become popular among car enthusiast especially on the vintage or classic model car because they can't afford the real thing or the original is no longer exist or produced.
To find this kind of model car is not hard since you can find most of them on specialist toy or model shop. The model is often updated or expanding in series according to the fans request and popularity. So you won't run out of model car kits anytime soon if you are interested to start this as your hobby. But remember that not every manufacturer able to produce the best model car quality, you should consult and ask advice to the expert or getting some information from the internet for choosing the best and most recent model car.