Colognes Made By Car Companies

Colognes Made By Car Companies

Most people are familiar with the plastic and leather smell that is known to car buyers as new car smell. This smell is created from the fumes due to the leather and plastic spending too much time out in the sun. The government feels that these fumes are contributing to the ever growning greenhouse gasses and needs to be eliminated. So now, car companies are coming up with cologne smells to replace the apparently toxic new car smell. Here are just a few companies doing this.
Jaguar Performance - This probably smells like either a sweaty British person or a sweaty cat.
Cadillac - I'm hoping this smells better than it looks. That color is not giving me any confidence.
Mustang - Already a good sounding cologne. If it smells the same as the horse it's named after, it might smell pretty good.
Ferrari - Everyone says this cologne smells awful. At least it comes with a toy Ferrari you can play with.

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