Worst Places To Drive

Worst Places To Drive

Everyone has different things that annoy them when driving. It might be sitting in traffic, it might be the bad drivers. People will also say that there are certain areas that are better to drive in. Most people would say that cities are the worst to drive in, but here are by far the worst places you could ever drive in.
Orlando, FL - Not only is Orlando filled with old people who don't look where they're going, it's also filled with tourists who don't know where they are. They'd rather look at all the scenery and attractions than look at the road. There are roughly 49 car accidents that happen in Orlando every single day. Mostly due to people not paying attention. So if you decide to go to Orlando for vacation, pay attention to the road.
El Camino Del Muerte (Death Road) in Bolivia - Known as the most dangerous road in the world, roughly 300 people are killed every year on this road. With a height of 1079 ft. and no guardrails, this road is not for someone with a fear of heights. It's only big enough for one car, but cars come in every direction and the dust fom the dirt road makes visibility very difficult. However, there is a longer, but much safer road being built.
Turin, Italy - Having actually been a pasenger driving through this beautiful city, I can definitely say that Italy has one of the worst drivers I've ever seen. There are many road signs posted, but no one listens to them. I've seen cars go down the wrong way and cause not only traffic jams, but big accidents. I've also seen cars drive through sidewalks to get to wherever they're going. If you visit Italy, either walk, rent a bike, or get a taxi. I do not recommend anyone drive unless you want to be really scared.
Paris, France - Many people get scared going around rotaries. Try going around a rotary when there is the Arc de Triomphe right in the center.It is a very interesting experience, but can be quite nerve racking. You could get stuck going in circles for hours because no one will let you through. So you do have to be aggressive and be prepared to hear lots of honking.
Boston, MA - Compared to other places, Boston is not that hard to drive around in. However, there are easier cities to get around in. Unlike New York which is set up to help drivers get around, Boston is set up like a giant cluster fuck. It's faster just to walk than to drive since that's how the city was set up. Don't bother bringing the gps because even that will have no idea where it is.

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