When people think back on their childhood, almost everyone had a Little Tikes Cozy Coupe as their first toy car. Made entirely out of plastic and powered by your feet, this was a toy that made every child mobile. Now, some people from Attitude Autos in Oxfordshire, England have built a lifesize version of the Cozy Coupe for adults to drive.

The great news is it's even road legal to drive around England. It seems fine on the local roads, but is probably a bit scary to drive on the highway. At least you can get people's attention when you're on the road. At the moment, it seems that Attitude Autos will be using the vehicle for their business, so chances are this won't become a production vehicle. If this does become a production vehicle, it would be a fun little car to drive around town. Who wouldnt want an adult version of their first car?