M6 - England - The M6 highway has existed in England for over 2000 years. It was even used as a roadway for the Romans. At night, drivers have reported seeing Roman soldiers walking along the road. There have even been eyes peering at drivers through bushes, and even a ghostly woman looking to hitch a ride.
Stocksbridge Bypass - England - Located near the M6, Stocksbridge Bypass has been an area with a few ghost sightings. Security guards and construction workers have seen and heard voices of children playing at night. There have even been ghostly figures seen standing on the bridge.
Kelly Road - Pennsylvania - Located near a creepy forest in Ohioville, Pennsylvania, weird noises and lights could be heard and seen in the forest. If people take their animals for a walk near the forest, the animals become violent and start attacking. There has even been rumours of different cult activities that went on in the forest many years ago.
Clinton Road, New Jersey - Located between Route 23 and the Warwick Turnpike, this little road has been the sightings of trucks that drive on the wrong side of the road, ghosts that throw coins at cars, and even UFO sightings. This has also been the location of activities by the Ku Klux Klan and the mafia. The body of a frozen mob associate was even found on the road.