New Ford S-Max Stops You from Speeding

New Ford S-Max Stops You from Speeding

We all do it. Whether it's to pass a slow person in front of us or for the thrill of speed, we've all broken the speed limit at least once in our lives. But now, Ford in the U.K. is looking at making speeding almost impossible.

The new S-Max will now have a special feature on its cruise control that will not only tell you whether you're speeding, but will also keep the car at the current speed limit, even if it changes. Since this is a minivan, chances are you probably won't be speeding anyway because must minivans can't go over 110 mph.

Ford says that the system is designed to stop people from getting speeding tickets, but the risk of getting a ticket is half the fun. While most cars are slow and boring, made to go from one place to another, there are some cars that are made to break the speed limit. Not only is it fun and exciting, but if you practice going fast, it will make you both a better driver and a safer driver.

Thankfully, this special system will only be available in the U.K. versions of the Ford S-Max, where anything fun is always made illegal over there. Thankfully, we can still go on in our fun and fast cars while we see if we can keep from getting pulled over.

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