Last Sunday during a press conference, some shriveled old man named Richard Petty said that Nascar driver Danica Patrick could only win a Sprint Cup Series if "everyone else stayed home." This comes after his son Kyle Petty, who has a much worse Nascar record than Patrick, stated that she's only a good go-kart racer, not an actual race car driver. Of course, most people who agree with these statements have never competed in a race themselves, let alone accomplished anything. I, for one, do not agree with the statements of anyone not currently racing in Nascar.

Here are a few other reasons why Danica Patrick is better than all other Nascar drivers:
- Richard Petty has had many crashes that caused his car to flip. These crashes were all done by his own doing and some nearly killed him.
- Danica Patrick has only had a few minor crashes, most due to other jealous drivers trying to run her off the track.
- Richard Petty had to drop out of the 1992 Pepsi 400 race due to fatigue.
- Danica Patrick has never dropped out of a race due to fatigue.
- Danica Patrick looks way better in sunglasses than Richard Petty ever will in his life.
- Danica Patrick looks way better in a bikini than all other nascar drivers since she's the only Nascar driver to ever be in the Sports Illustrated Swimsuit issue.
Sure, Richard Petty holds the record for most Nascar races ever won, but considering it's just driving a car in a circle, there's really no point in winning. Even though she hasn't won any races so far, she is still determined to keep racing for a win despite what anyone else says. That not only shows determination, but courage as well. Forget all those other drivers, we need more drivers like Danica Patrick to make Nascar more interesting to watch.