Wisconsin Thaws Roads with Cheese

Wisconsin Thaws Roads with Cheese

Whether people like it or not, winter weather is here and it's not leaving until spring. That means plow truck are out moving the snow as well as covering the roads with sand and salt. With some places already getting over a foot of snow, millions of dollars are being spent on salt and ice and snow removal equipment.
But the state of Wisconsin, who love their cheese, has decided to use their leftover cheese and mix it with salt to thaw out the roads. This technique has saved the state thousands of dollars on snow removal costs. The types of cheese that have the best results are the saltier cheeses like provolone and mozzarella. Since this technique is not only getting rid of snow and ice and saving the state money, it may not be long until other cheese states like Maine and Vermont decide to use their leftover cheese to thaw out their roads.

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