Life in the Fast Lane

Life in the Fast Lane

Many people love to drive fast. Whether it's to get to work on time or just because it's fun, everyone has gone into the fast lane at least once in their life. Of course, some people prefer the slow lane lane. Sometimes it's because they're carrying precious cargo, or just because their car is too slow to even venture into the fast lane. Nevertheless, even people who are afraid to go fast need to venture into the fast just once in their life to feel how much fun and exhilerating it is to go really fast.

Not only does driving fast give you an adrenaline rush you will never forget, it will also give you a serotonin rush that will leave you breathless. In essence, driving faster will give you the same feeling you get from an orgasm. Probably explains why so many people like to speed all the time.

However, what happens when you drive in the fast with a car that probably doesn't belong in the fast lane? Well you get some interesting looks, especially if people think their car is faster than yours. When I used to live in Florida, I had a 1976 AMC Pacer that I restored in honor of my deceased uncle. It loved to break down constantly, sucked up fuel like you wouldn't believe, and top speed wise, could only get up to about 90 mph. I loved that car because despite all the problems with it, it was so much fun to drive. This is mostly due to the fact that it had more torque than a space shuttle.

One day I'm driving on the highway and I see a brand new Chevy Camaro who is driving like it thinks it rules the road. Well when it passes me, I decide to show it who's boss. Now everyone knows that the fast lane is an exclusive club for fast cars and if you don't have a fast car, you should stay in the slow lane. I do agree with that, but sometime it's fun to surprise people. So I venture my AMC Pacer into the fast lane and floor it. Now going between 40 and 50 mph in that car is fine becuase it's not designed to do fast driving. When you get to around 70 or 80 mph, everything starts to shake and rattle like crazy. So now I'm feeling a bit worried due to all the noise and the fact that it sounds like something's going to fall off any minute.

I see that I'm catching up to the Camaro, which is the same metallic silver as my car. He floors his car as well but doesn't realize that I have much more torque than him and my suspension system has been completely modernized, so it handles better than his car. The look on his face when he sees he's being outrun by a rattling AMC Pacer is by far the best thing anyone could witness. His car soon becomes a spec in my rear view mirror.

Then suddenly, my exit show up out of nowhere, so I hit the brakes hard and turn sharply to make the exit. Bear in mind, I may have modern disks, but I still have old fashioned manual brakes. So even with the brake pedal fully down, stopping my car at 80 mph is next to imposible. So when I turn, I'm still doing 80 mph trying to keep the car from spinning out of control as smoke comes from the rear tires and the brakes squeal trying to slow the car down. I did get to do some nice drifting all to the amazement of the cars behind me.

So don't be fooled by some cars that may not be able to do triple digit speeds. They still have much more torque for faster acceleration, making driving not only fun, but also surprising for other drivers. I strongly encourage everyone to get into the fast lane, floor your car, and get ready for a very enjoyable experience.

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