Car Review: 2013 Ford E250

Car Review: 2013 Ford E250

Since the 1960's, vans have been used by many people, mainly hippies, for many different things. From bringing an entire soccer team to practice to kidnapping people, vans have served a useful purpose. But now, vans have seen a loss in popularity due to the intro of SUV's. But I'm sure I can find someone who wouldn't mind having a bitchin van.

Inside, it is as basic as it comes. All you get is a radio, a/c, and that's about it. Since it is mainly used as a utility vehicle, performance is not a strong point. It may have a 4.6L V8, but it only produces a mere 225 hp. So it will stroll from 0-60 mph in about 9.6 seconds and then on to a top speed of around 100 mph if you're very lucky and you're not carrying anything. The scariest part though is how it goes around corners. Turn too lightly and you won't make it around a corner. Turn too hard and you will definitely roll over.

Despite all the rattling it makes whenever you hit a bump or a pothole, it's actually very comfortable. If you're in the mafia, the back can fit up to 10 bodies. Very practical if you're looking to take out some trash. You do get traction control, but the best way is to fill up the back with stuff in order to get more grip from the back wheels. Another major problem is visability. SInce there are no windows on the side, you can't really see what's behind you or even remotely near you. You do get big side mirrors, which help visibility tremendously.

So there you go, if you need something that will carry lots of stuff, then go with the E250. It's great for moving to a different area or if you need to deliver a lot of things. Whether you love vans or hate them, you do have to admit that it's pretty cool to be a man with a van.

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