Driving Through a Blizzard

Driving Through a Blizzard

We've all heard that driving in the snow can be dangerous. But what about driving in a lot of snow? The state of Massachusetts issued a no driving ban for all of Friday because the roads were too slippery and dangerous. If anyone was caught driving after 4pm, they could be issued a $500 and up to one year in prison.

Now that seemed a bit harsh to me. Since the driving ban didn't start until 4pm, I decided to go out to get some milk. I took out the best car to handle a blizzard, a Jeep Cherokee with 4WD. I turned the 4WD on and set off for some milk.

On the way over, I suddenly realized why the driving ban was issued. Even with the 4WD system on, the roads were so slippery that I still felt the car sliding around. I managed to get the car going in the right direction, but the wind kept sliding my car around as well.

Eventually, I got my milk and headed home. Now the storm had really gotten worse. The snow became heavier and the wind became faster. So I rushed home as fast as I could before the blizzard got any worse. I had to dodge a few tree branches that were blown onto the road. I also had to fight to keep the car going in a straight line. It took me a bit longer to get back due to the fact that I had to deal with the snow and the wind.

I did eventually make it back without getting into a single crash. So for those people who think a driving ban is too harsh, it will save your life. I barely made it home and I'm a much better driver than most people. So the best thing to do if a blizzard approaches and a driving ban is issued is to just stay home.

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