Driving in the Snow

Driving in the Snow

What is it about snow that makes drivers so nervous? Even if a little bit of snow starts falling, people lose their minds. Every year it's exactly the same: people just keep forgeting how to drive in the snow.

Yesterday there was about an inch of snow that fell on the roads. That and the mixture of cold temperatures made the roads incredibly slippery. Of course, people decided to speed down the roads, not knowing that ice and speed don't mix well. There were a few close calls that I saw on the road, as well as cars going in circles not knowing what to do.

So I think I may have come up with a solution that may help people drive better in snowy conditions:

Slow Down- If you drive very quickly on either snowy or icy roads, it's almost like driving on glass. Eventually, the tires are going to lose their grip to the road and the car will start to slide. It's best to either go the exact speed limit or five miles below it.

Brake Lightly- Braking hard not only locks up the front wheels, it will also cause the car to start spinning uncontrollably. It doesn't matter if you have anti-lock brakes or not, wheels can lock up no matter what. If you brake lighter and earlier, the car will stop and not spin out. If you do somehow get stuck in a spin out, turn the wheel in the opposite direction the car is spinning. If the car is spinning in a clockwise direction, turn the wheel in a counter clockwise direction.

Don't Peel Out- Peeling out not only will cause you to spin out, but you could hit someone whose wheels lock up for having to brake hard.

If you follow these three pieces of advise, you will make it home during a blizzard and you won't have to deal with something like this:

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