Top 5 Handy Things To Keep In Your Glove Box

Top 5 Handy Things To Keep In Your Glove Box

Most people know about the usual things to keep in their glove box. Car registration, flashlight, fuses, and an emergency kit are the most common things. However, there are other things that most people don't think about until they need it. If you ever drive around in a different country, usually in the arctic or South America, these certain things will be quite helpful.
Condoms - You never know when you'll be in your car with someone and the situation suddenly gets hot. It's better to be prepared than to have an accident and explain where that baby came from.
Cannabis Iced Tea - There may be a time when you are thirsty and also want to relax. In parts of the world, mostly Switzerland, Romania, and Germany, this is a very popular form of iced tea. A great drink to keep with you if you ever get thirsty while driving through Europe.
Coca Leaves - Primarily used to make cocaine, these South American leaves is also used to ward off altitude sckness. If your ever in South America and you're traveling at high altitudes, ither eat these leaves or put them in tea to ward off any altitude sickness.
Gin - Driving through the arctic, you will need to keep warm. Wearing many layers will keep you cool on the outside, but there's not a lot to keep your insides warm. By drinking gin, your insides will become warm, so now you can drive along icy lakes with no worries about freezing. Also, since your on an icy lake, it's not considered driving, it's sailing.
Solar Flare - If your car breaks down in the middle of nowhere, there is a chance that you may have no signals on your cell phone. So another way to contact help is by shooting off flares into the sky. Someone will see them and send help to wherever the flare came from.

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