Top 3 Worst Cars of 2012

Top 3 Worst Cars of 2012

2012 brought us many new car models. Some were great to look at and some were fun to drive. Unfortunately, there were a few cars that were not so good. Some were slow, some were boring, and some just got very annoying after a while. Here are the three of the worst cars I had to deal with this year.
Toyota Corolla - How dull and boring is your life that you have to get the most boring car in the world. There's no styling on the body at all. The inside is completely cheap and plastic looking. There is a touchscreen, but it doesn't work that well. It's so slow that you will go faster on a bicycle and have more fun than driving or even riding in this thing.
Hyundai Veloster - Before you even get going, you have to hit agree on the stupid touchscreen stating you won't use the screen while you drive. If you don't hit agree, the car won't even work. There are paddle shifters offered, but they never work right. There's no headroom in the back seat. Plus, it takes forever to find the door handle for the third door.
Dodge Dart - It looks like a regular sedan with a Dodge grill on the front. The styling needs more work. It's not as fast as you think. You will get to about 75 mph and that's it. It won't go any faster.

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