Top 5 Cool But Deadly Cars

Top 5 Cool But Deadly Cars

This morning, Toyota had to recall millions of new cars because of faulty power window switches that could jam and cause a fire. There is also a report on counterfeit airbags that explode in people's faces. Most people say these problems should be fixed, but with all these safety features, are they even neccessary? Some say yes, but I think people have turned into wimps when it comes to driving. I prefer cars that have a bit of a riskfactor to them. If it could cause me to be killed, I would love to own that car. Here is a list of a few cars that are no longer made becase they're deemed unsafe, making them cool cars to collect and drive:
1. Koeniggsegg Agera R If you just sit there, your not driving. This is a car that you need to actually drive. Driving this car is like trying to ride a lion, it's incredibly difficult and if you don't pay attention, it'll kill you.
2. Ford Pinto There wasn't anthing mechanically or even electrically wrong with this car. The only thing wrong with it was where it's gas tank was located. If you got rear ended, the gas tank would rupture and explode. Now that's both a cool way to die, and a cool way to take your enemies along with you. It's much cooler to die in a fireball than sitting pathetically on life support with your family all depressed.
3. Chevy Corvair Ralph Nader wasted an entire bok on how the corvair could kill you. Too bad he never actually test drove one to prove his point. The one way this car could "supposedly" kill you is if you drove it like an idiot. Why Nader only went after Chevrolet, instead of Porsche or Volkswagen who had the same design as the corvair even today I'll never know. It is nice to drive around in a car that may or may not kill you. Most likely not.
4. Jeep Cherokee Jeeps are by far the best cars to take off road. You can beat on them for years and they'll still keep working. However, they are not the best road friendly car. The brakes take forever to stop the car, and if you turn too sharply, you could roll over. A great way to have fun and scare your passengers. Take it off road, and the fun gets even better.
5. Mercedes 300SL By far, one of the prettiest Mecedes ever made. With the doors open, it's even more pretty and elegant. Too bad the doors need five feet of room to open, and if you roll it over, you can't open the doors. So now you burn to crispy death, stuck inside your car. That's seems like a small price to pay for a pretty, fast, and exciting cool car. Of course, most people want cuddle at home in safety, but there's risks everywhere. So stop being a bunch of babies and start taking a few risks once in a while.

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