Car vs. Boat: Which One is Better?

Car vs. Boat: Which One is Better?

Before cars, the way to travel places was by horse. The downside to that was that horses could only go so far before getting tired. So in order to travel long distances, people used boats. The main way to get a boat to move was by using a large sail. This took forever to get places and was incredibly boring. Today, boats have been fitted with engine and can travel at alomst the same speed as a car. But which one would be the better choice? Cars can travel at triple digit speeds. Unfortunately, spped limits prevent car from travel at those speeds. For shame! Boats can travel at very slow double digit speeds. But with a powerful engine, they can reach triple digit speeds. Of course, coast guards limit boat speeds to only double digits. Cars can be driven for around once a week or so before they need to be refueled. Boats may need to filled right when you get back from traveling on the water. Cars can be driven in the winter, on snow, in the rain, and on ice if your careful. Boats can't be driven in any of these situations. Cars give you a feeling of thrill and excitement when you drive it to it's limit. Boats can get airborne and give you a feeling of thrill and excitement when you drive it to it's limit. So in the end, both cars and boats, especially speed boats, are equally great. They both offer fun and excitement. Thy're both used as ways of getting places. Even though boats can't be used in winter, they're still just as fun to drive as a car.

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