Chevy Predicts the Future of Autonomous Driving with the FNR Concept

Chevy Predicts the Future of Autonomous Driving with the FNR Concept

It seems more and more likely that self-driving cars will eventually be making their debut at dealerships in the next few years or so. Everyone from Mercedes to Google have come up with how they think self-driving cars will be like. Now, another car company has come up with their own version of the future.

The people over at Chevrolet have come up with a concept version of a self-driving car called the FNR. Built in Shanghai for the Chinese market, this autonomous car looks like a cross between something from Transformers and Tron. You most likely would pull over if you saw this coming up behind you. The addition of the dragonfly doors makes for an even scarier effect.

Now, this car won't turn into an Autobot, but it might feel like one inside. The car is loaded with so much technology that it can map out where it is, what's around it, and where you want to go. The bulbs in the headlights and tailights have been replaced with laser beams. Then there's the way to get in and start it up. Instead of a key, it uses a retina scanner to make sure the owner is the one in the drivers seat. At least you won't have to worry about anyone stealing it.

No word on performance figures, but since this car is only powered by four electric motors in each wheel, it's probably not very fast. Chances are the production car may not look as striking as the concept, but you never know. The FNR concept is now on display at the Shanghai Auto Show. 

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