Jaguar Reinvents the Windshield

Jaguar Reinvents the Windshield

Most luxury cars today are fitted with heads-up displays that show your speed. This is mainly to keep drivers eyes on the road but realistically, it's nothing too fancy. Now if the heads-up displays looked more like they did on racing video games, then we might have something interesting.

The people over at Jaguar Land Rover are working on a system that literally turns your entire windshield into a video game screen. Not only does it show your speed, it also shows your GPS, any hazard or speed cameras coming up, or even if another car might be swerving that you didn't notice. It even displays virtual lines on the road to help keep you in your lane as well as virtual cars next to you, in case you decide to change lanes without looking.

Jaguar Land Rover have already shown off this new technology in England last week, but there are no words yet on when it will be going into actual cars. They're also looking at putting laser beams inside the headlights to track pedestrians and animals and warn you if they decide to cross the street unexpectedly. If you ever wanted your video game experience to become real life, it seems that it may become a reality.

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