Introducing the Dubai Roadster

Introducing the Dubai Roadster

Very rarely do you see a car ever produced in the Middle East. Most of the time it's usually just cars that are bought from Europe that you see over there. Then there's the police force in Abu Dhabi that includ a Veyron, Lamborghini Aventador, and many other supercars. Now, a company in Dubai are looking at making their own supercar.

It's simply called the Dubai Roadster, a very obvious name choice. It will have a 400-hp V8 engine in either an aluinum or titanium subframe. It does look like a typical insane supercar. Its got a giant rear wing, a sexy looking body, gold wheels, and the colors to match the flag of Dubai.

The Dubai Roadster isn't going to be unveiled until next years Dubai Motor Show, but orders are already being taken. Most supercars that are bought unseen usually have some problems, like something breaking or catching fire. Chances are that probably won't happen with this car. At the moment, the car is available for only $110,000, but as the orders keep piling up, it wouldn't be surprising if the price tag went up as well. We'll have to wait until next years Dubai Motor Show to see this supercar for real.

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