This Chinese Concept May Change the Future of Train Travel

This Chinese Concept May Change the Future of Train Travel

Unless you're a commuter who travels to the city everyday for work, very rarely would you take a train to travel anywhere. Most people either take a plane to travel long distances or just drive. Since planes are much faster, it's no reason most people choose to fly instead of taking the train. But in China, taking the train is the best way to get around.
The main problem with trains is that it's easy for the train to get delayed. When one train gets delayed, all the others get delayed as well. Now, a concept system in China may not only make delays a thing of the past, it will also make train travel much faster and smoother.
There is no name yet for this concept but instead of the train stopping to let passengers on or off, passengers get on a separate compartment that picks up passengers and drops them off without ever stopping. No word on whether this concept will become a reality, but it is nice to think about trains never having any more delays. You can see how this concept would work in the video below.

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