The Problem with Wind Powered Cars

The Problem with Wind Powered Cars

Back in 2010, a scientist, or maybe an idiot, named Rick Cavallaro designed and built a wind powered car named Blackbird. Now, everyone knows that nothing being powered by the wind can travel faster than the wind. But Cavallaro disagreed. He figured out a way to give the car more power. As the wheels spin, they also spin the propellers, both moving the car and making it go faster than the wind.
The Blackbird made it into the Guiness Book of World Records as the only wind powered car to go 2.8 times the speed of wind. The recorded speed was 38.5 mph.
Of course, this may sound like a good idea, but it's not a realistic car that can be used everyday, or at all. The tall structure that holds the propeller is around 17 feet tall. This will lead to a few issues if you get to a bridge, or a tunnel, or even a corner. With the one wheel up front and the long propeller, the car will easily tip over every time you try to turn. So the only way you can use this car is to go forward in a straight line with no other objects or cars around you.
Right now, the wind powered car is now for sale at a price of $1575. Not a bad price if you want a green car. Good luck trying to find a place where you can actually drive it.

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