Other Uses for V8 Engines

Other Uses for V8 Engines

It seems that the main focus for this year's new car models is fuel economy. Some companies are coming up with their own idiotic hybrid cars, but the majority of car companies are getting rid of bigger engines in favor of smaller, turbocharged engines instead. Now this may seem good in the long run, but it sacrifices the true enjoyment of driving a fast car.

Smaller, turbocharged engines will give you a boost of excitement when you first put your foot down, but then becomes slower as it get to it's top speed of around 120 mph. To some, that may seem fast enough, but compared to the sheer joy and excitement of a bigger engine, it's just not the same. You don't get the incredible noise of a big engine. If you decide to turbocharge or even supercharge a bigger engine, you get a thrill you can't get with a smaller, turbocharged engine.

I feel a bit sad that bigger engines are being cast away into the history books. I would love to still see a big, monstrous engine on the road with all the little engined cars just to know that the excitement of a big engined car still exists.

However, if bigger engines like V8's are not being used to power cars, why not put them to another use instead. Here are a few ideas that sound like good ideas and will keep the spirit of V8 engines alive.

V8 Lawnmower - For those who have a big yard to mow, this will cut the mowing time down by half. Be warned, this will go much faster than a normal ride-on lawnmower.

V8 Grill - Great for large parties. This would allow you to cook burgers, steaks, and hot dogs in just 5 minutes. Perfect for any outdoor BBQ or 4th of July party.
V8 Margarita Mixer - Another great way to make your parites more exciting. Blend hundreds of different margaritas in just a few seconds. Makes the Magic Bullet seem a bit boring. There is a possibility of getting margarita mix everywhere and everyone, so hopefully there's no party poopers around who don't want to get soaked.  

V8 Snowblower - Perfect for harsh winters that never seem to end. For those with long driveways, this will cut snowblowing time by many minutes. It will also cut through the tallest of snow piles. You may have to hang on though since this will have a tendency to take off on you.

V8 Chainsaw - If cutting trees down is taking all day to do, speed up the process with this heavy duty chainsaw. This won't just cut down one tree, it has enough power to cut down an entire forest. The only downside is that it does require two people to operate it. But that's just one setback to making a logging job go by much quicker.

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