My Feelings Towards Minivans

My Feelings Towards Minivans

 All my life, I've always hated minivans. I'm sure during childhood, everyone had to deal with parents who owned a minivan at least once in their life. Even my parents owned a minivan when I was little. It seems like a good idea; you get room for eight kids and everyone's things. But when you come right down to it, why would you be seen driving one of these just for some extra room?

 It's definitely not a good looking car. It's big, long, and has no sense of style whatsoever. It doesn't even sound good when you open the dorr to get in. Once you finally stumble to get in, it's not very comfortable or fun to be in. The seats are too hard and the ride is not comfortable. It's being on the schoolbus, only much more embarassing.

 People have tried to make minivans cool by painting them different colors and adding sporty features like spoilers and splitters. All that does is make look even more dorky and embarassing. Now, Honda is trying once again to make minivans cool. The new 2014 Honda Odyssey will now be fitted with an onboard vacuum cleaner. Honda even gave it a name: the HondaVac.

The new Odyssey will also feature other things that you'd find in a much cooler car. This includes a touchscreen that features Facebook, Pandora, and other apps that you'd find on a much cooler car. Honda has also tried to make the Odyssey look more stylish, but it hasn't helped improve the minivan image that much.
No matter what you do to the outside or how many different features you add, you're still driving a dorky minivan. I don't think minivans will ever be a good look or a stylish thing to drive. Over the years, sales have minivans have gone down and CUV's, which are pretty much small SUV's, have gone up. I'd prefer to drive a smaller SUV like the Nissan Juke before I drive a minivan. Sure, it may be the ugliest car made today, but I'd have much more fun in the Juke than I would in a minivan.
The only two cases where minivans looked cool to drive are The Mystery Machine and the van from The A-Team. Some may say these are not minivans, but they're both the same size as a minivan. So I still may hate minivans, but until it can solve mysteries and stop crime, it will always be hated.

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