Top 5 Cars For The End Of The World

Top 5 Cars For The End Of The World

December 21, 2012 is only a week and a half away. This is the day that the Mayans predicted would be the end of the Earth's cycle. For some reason, people assume that this means the world is going to end. Of course, the world most likely won't end and it's just another way to make fun of stupid people. If for some reason the world does end, here are five of the most indestructible vehicels ever made to help you survive the end of the world.
The Marauder - The cousin of the Hummer, this can withstand a giant explosion and keep on going.
Batman's Tumbler - It got Batman out of some deadly situations. Maybe you'll find Batman inside to help you out.
Toyota Hilux - It can keep going after falling from a 3 story building. It can also go across the North Pole without any problems.
Army Tank - It can withstand many bombs being thrown at it, as well as any war zone it gets sent to.
KITT from Knight Rider - KITT can get you out of tough situations, is virtually indestructible, and can talk to you.

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