Winter Preparation Tips

Winter Preparation Tips

For some people, winter has already arrived. For others, it's still a few weeks away. No matter what, winter is fast approaching. So here are a few tips to help you prepare for the next few months of cold misery.
Keep either an ice scraper or shovel in the trunk of your car in case you need to shovel snow off of your car.
Or if you need to shovel snow out of the inside of your car.
Replace your regular tires with ice tires as well as a tire chain, unless you want to slide around on snow and ice.
Keep a block of concrete in the trunk so you get better traction from the rear wheels.
Put a new battery in your car, otherwise you may get stranded on the side of the road.
Most importantly, always wear an orange visibility jacket so people can see you when your stranded on the road.

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