Cruising Around Texas at 80 mph

Cruising Around Texas at 80 mph

A few weeks ago, the state of Texas opened up their first road with an 80 mph speed limit; the fastest speed limit in the country. While Texas thinks this is a good idea, some people don't like the idea of a higher speed limit. They think that this will cause more accidents. In reality, most car accidents occur on local roads where the speed limit is between 30 and 40 mph. The reason this happens is because faster speeds require more attention to the road. During slower speeds, people don't pay attention to the road and they end up crashing. I believe that not only should higher speed limits be put up everywhere, but the minimum speed should be at least 120 mph. That way, people will actually pay attention to the road instead of their phones and other devices. If people become too scared to drive at these higher speeds, they will figure a different way to travel and the only people on the roads will be people who actually pay attention and can drive at these speeds. It will also end all the traffic problems and make driving much more fun since no cars will be on the roads. So in the end, everyone should be following what Texas is doing and increase their speed limits both for local roads and highways. Only then will people pay attention to the road and less accidents will occur.

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