Volkswagen Introduces its 12 Cylinder Engine of the Future

Volkswagen Introduces its 12 Cylinder Engine of the Future

These days it seems that engines are becoming smaller and smaller. Car companies like Mini and Mitsubishi are now using four and even three cylinder engines to power their newer cars. Now, most people would say that this is a good thing. Smaller engines reduce carbon emissions and don't pollute the earth like bigger engines do.

 But while smaller engines do save cute little polar bears, they don't have a lot of power. The biggest three cylinder engine can barely make it to 100 horsepower. So you may be saving the Earth, but you won't be going anywhere quickly. Volkswagen however believes that not only can bigger engines survive into the next decade or so, they can even be more fuel efficient.

Volkswagen has now created a new 6-liter W-12, which is pretty much two V6's joined together. With two turbochargers added on, this new engine will produce 600-horspower and will be able to achieve 20 mpg. That may not sound like much, but most regular 12 cylinder engines get around 10 mpg. The key to this new engine is maily due to cylinder deactivation, which not only can shut off half the cylinders at cruising speeds, but also shut the entire engine off at a stop sign or red light. Volkswagen is looking at putting this new W-12 engine into the new Bentley Bentayga SUV that will be coming out soon.

If you would rather hear about the boring, fuel efficient engines, Volkswagen is working on a more powerful three cylinder engine as well. The engine is semi-hybrid, combining both a regular turbocharger and a new, electric turbocharger. This alows for 268-horsepower from an engine that's only one liter.

So, it seems that Volkswagen has made the best of both worlds. A large, twelve cylinder engine that can compete with the smaller engines, and a smaller engine that can keep up with the bigger engines. It looks like the future of cars has gotten a bit brighter and far more excting.

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