Storming Europe - Chinese First in the Starting-Blocks

Storming Europe - Chinese First in the Starting-Blocks

Apart from the shape of the headlights, the F1 openly
monkey Toyota Aygo. So much for originality!
BYD and Brilliance seems the best placed to tackle the European market manufacturers. Although their models leave impressions for less unequal.

For the moment, not a single car made in China has officially put his tires on the French roads. Among the brands that will eventually reach us, there BYD (for "Build Your Dreams", "build your dreams" in English) and Brilliance, both present at the last Geneva Motor Show.
BYD unveiled including a city called F1, heavily "inspired" by the Toyota Aygo but extremely hard over, so much so that one of our reporters was left with the lid of the glove box in his hands, trying simply open it. It would be sold at around � 2,200 ... To check.

During 2008, Brilliance launch a range in Europe,
this cut of 4.49 m long
If the quality of BYD is light years away from that of Dacia, however, with Brilliance, the BC3 (4.49 m) is better presented than the Sandero. Foamed plastics, fine joints, this model demonstrates the progress made by this brand in recent years. 4x4 Landwind X-Pedition (from � 15,900), meanwhile, continues to be forthcoming. It is even in the process of grilling politeness by Shuanghuan Sceo (including the design and counterfeiting of the old BMW X5), which has him, a European approval number. But this big Chinese 4x4, available in 2008, is far from cut prices: it should cost around � 26,000, and offers only a single petrol engine 135 hp, naturally enough for a fighter of this size.

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