Top 5 Alternative Fuel Sources

Top 5 Alternative Fuel Sources

With the price of gas rising, people are looking for other ways to power their cars. Many have switched to electricity, while others use natural gas and biofuel. Now, there is also consieration of using algae to power cars. With all these different sources, here are some alternative fuels that were also considered as well.
Nuclear Power - Used to power the Delorean in Back to the Future. Cost of fuel: $4400-5600.
Water - Can be found nearly anywhere. Cost of fuel: Less than 1 cent per gallon
Vegetable Oil - Works just as well as gasoline, and can be grown. Cost of fuel: $5.09 per gallon.
Urine - Always available after a drink. NASA is already considering using urine to power ther rockets. Cost of fuel: Depends on how much you had to drink.
Bull Sperm - Works just as well as gasoline. Cost of fuel: $50,000 per gallon.

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